Tuesday 12 April 2022

Spring Festival Judges Announced

The team of adjudicators who will make the important decisions at the upcoming British Open Spring Festival on May 7th in Blackpool have been announced. The event talks place in Blackpool's Winter Gardens, where bands will compete in the Grand Shield, Senior Cup and Senior Trophy contests. The set-works are 'Dynasty'...read more

Tuesday 12 April 2022

Extension for Conducting Competition Entries

Following requests from conductors, the Brass Band Conductors’ Association has moved the deadline for entry into this year’s flagship conducting competition back to 30th April. This will give busy conductors time over Easter to prepare their video submissions for the first stage of the competition. This is an exciting...read more

Tuesday 12 April 2022

Riverside Youth Solo Competition

Talented young Inverclyde musicians have dazzled in the solo spotlight at Riverside Youth Band’s fifth annual solo competition. The event featured 20 performances from band members as they showcased their brass and percussion playing talents, alongside accompanist Kristine Donnan, in front of adjudicator and renowned brass musician Alan Fernie, as...read more

Tuesday 12 April 2022

BBCA 'Wand Workshops' a success at Youth Champs

Over 100 young brass players taking part in this year’s National Youth Brass Band Championships of Great Britain (Youth Champs) waved their conducting wands enthusiastically in front of the British Army Band Tidworth playing Grieg's 'In the Hall of the Mountain King' at this recent event. With professional guidance...read more

Sunday 10 April 2022

Beatty MD at Unite the Union

The Union Band are very pleased to announce the appointment of Jonathan Beatty as their full time Music Director. Jonathan took on the role on an interim basis in mid-January this year after being asked to conduct the band at the NEMBBA and Yorkshire area championship section contests. The band...read more

Monday 4 April 2022

Julie Allen MBE receives BBE Award

In recognition of being the inspiration and driving force behind the Birkwood Primary School Brass Band, Julie Allen MBE was presented with the BBE Services to Youth Award at a special concert at Birkwood Primary School, the school from which Julie retired as head last year. This performance was a...read more

Monday 4 April 2022

ACE supports ‘Nationally Significant’ Europeans Festival

Arts Council England (ACE) has shown its support for the four-day European Brass Band Festival by awarding a £116,000 grant to the event’s organiser, Brass Bands England (BBE). In addition to the events taking place across Birmingham Town Hall and Symphony Hall from Thursday 28 April to Sunday 1 May, the...read more

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