The Launch of a New Brass Band at UWE  

The Centre for Music at the University of the West of England is very excited to announce that a brand new brass band is being formed and will rehearse for the first time at Frenchay campus, Filton, Bristol on Wednesday 2nd October 2024!  
Although the University already has a thriving Orchestra, Big Band and several successful choirs, it has never had its own brass band, and new senior lecturer, Anri Adachi, decided it would be an exciting project to get off the ground that would benefit many of the talented brass and percussion players who attend UWE.  
Acquiring some instruments was the first step, and the wonderful team at Gloucestershire Music Hub was able to help, providing some well-maintained instruments for the students to use in rehearsals in exchange for a donation.  
Anri, who will conduct the band, really hopes to make UWE Brass Band’s debut at UniBrass soon, to allow students to experience the thrill of national contesting and the enjoyment of preparing an engaging entertainment programme.  
On the 23rd October, the new brass band will be treated to a fantastic workshop with the internationally-renowned performer and educator, Tom Hutchinson – principal cornet player of the Cory Band. This FREE workshop will also be open to members of the community who would like to experience Tom’s unique and invigorating teaching style. 


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