BTS Festival 2024 

The British Trombone Society will hold its annual British Trombone Festival at the Royal Birmingham Conservatoire on 26th to 27th October. The BTS has confirmed that this year’s artists and groups will include Peter Moore, Josh Cirtina, Bones Apart, Chris Augustine, GALSI, Callum Au, Emily White, Jeremy Price, RBC Jazz Orchestra and the RBC Brass Band conducted by Ian Porthouse. 
Tom Lees and Becky Pepper will also lead a number of youth events where younger players will get the chance to learn visiting artists. There will be massed ensembles, masterclasses, and interactive classes covering all styles of playing, from Early to Modern. There will also be trade stands from makers and commercial companies whilst the weekend will also see the hosting of the society's prestigious competitions. 
The Alto Trombone competition finalists have been announced as Milly Deering, James Druce and Jamie Reid. They will now perform the 'Trombone Concerto' by Georg Christoph Wagenseil and excerpts from the orchestral repertoire as they compete for the first place and a 2,000 Euro Jurgen Voight Voucher. 


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