Senzuko Showcase

The Brass Band of Senzuko Gakuen College of Music gave a superb concert on 9th June following a week of intensive rehearsals with Dr Robert Childs. The band, which now comprises over 150 musicians, was the first brass band formed in Japan, and since 1979 under renowned Professor Takeo Yamamoto, the ensemble has been pursuing authentic British style music. Joining his father for the trip was euphonium virtuoso Professor David Childs. He performed the Japanese premiere of Peter Graham’s concerto ‘Force of Nature’ to great acclaim, as well as being joined by his Dad for a very special duet performance of the Japanese folk song ‘Aka Tombo’, which was conducted by Takeo Yamamoto. Also included in the ambitious programme was 'Fragile Earth' by Sir Karl Jenkins, which was recently premiered by the National Youth Band of Great Britain, and Dan Hall's prize-winning composition 'Dieu et Mon Droit'.

Commenting on the concert Robert Childs stated, “I have really enjoyed my time at Senzoku Gakuen College of Music conducting a band of 150 students! Professor Yamamoto has done so much great work over the years and this really showed in the bands’ concert performances. It’s been wonderful to have the chance to collaborate once again with Takeo Yamamoto and Masanori Fukuda and if that wasn’t already highlight enough, I also had the pleasure of my son David joining us too, before his extremely busy week of masterclasses and recitals. I’m not sure people can fully appreciate the joy it is to conduct your son in a concerto and play a duet with him - it was so special.”


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