Cavanagh to become dedicated baritone lead at RNCM

The Royal Northern College of Music (RNCM) has announced the appointment of Mike Cavanagh as its dedicated baritone tutor. It is understood that it is the first time that a UK conservatoire has made such a specialist appointment which has traditionally been led by tutors of the euphonium. Mike will take up his from September 2024, adding to his current role as tutor in Chamber Music which he has held since 2021.

Since completing his BMus (Hons) and postgraduate degree in chamber music at the RNCM, Mike Cavanagh has become a leading exponent on the instrument with a wealth of solo, band and ensemble experience and critical acclaim. Commenting on the new role, Mike explained, "There's much more music being written for the baritone in brass bands, in competitions and in concert music. It's being seen more as a solo instrument and yet until now it has remained the only brass instrument you can study that doesn't have its own principal tutor. I hope that in creating this opportunity to study it as a principal instrument with a specialist tutor will enhance the already acclaimed Wind, Brass & Percussion department at the RNCM.”


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