Daniel Brooks to lead Leyland

Following his recent departure from Elland Silver, Daniel Brooks has been appointed as the Musical Director of Leyland. A spokesperson for the band explained how delighted they were to have him stating, “Danny's connection to Leyland started many years ago, being both his hometown band and where he enjoyed great success as a solo trombone player. Playing under Richard Evans provided Danny with the desire to become a conductor, along with the leadership of previous Musical Directors Jason Katsikaris and Michael Bach."

Commenting on the new role Daniel stated, "Leyland Band has a wonderful heritage and a long history of top-class musicians and conductors. Adding my name to that list is an absolute pleasure and I can't wait to get started. I look forward to implementing my brand of new forward-thinking projects as well as delivering positivity in rehearsals, high class music-making and bringing a hard-working attitude into a bandroom that already has some world class musicians around the stands. This partnership has the potential to push Leyland back to where it belongs with both sides wanting the same outcome. There are exciting times ahead for us and we will all strive to be the best we can be on the concert and contest platforms, bringing joy, good playing and entertainment to the local area and beyond."


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