Wyss leaves Leyland

It has been announced that Thomas Wyss has stepped down from his role as Musical Director of Leyland Band. The resignation marks the end of an eight-year tenure which included finishes in the ‘frame’ at the three major UK contests of the British Open, National Championships and Brass in Concert, as well as four podium finishes at the North West Regional Championships.

Leyland Band issued a statement explaining, “Tom built a fantastic rapport with audiences across Lancashire and beyond, particularly at the band's regular local concert series in Chorley. He also directed a number of highly commended international concerts to sell-out audiences at the Imperial Palace in Innsbruck, Austria.”

Band Chairperson Chris Doran added his thanks, “Everyone connected to Leyland would like to say a huge thank you to Tom for his musical direction over the last eight years. We have enjoyed many excellent concert and contest performances under his expert leadership and guidance, and we wish him all the very best for the future.”


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