It’s the Most Wonderful Time…for a Beer! 

To celebrate a memorable and successful year for the band, Foden’s teamed up with the brilliant Glen Affric Brewery to create a one of a kind beer - ‘Sand(bach) and Stars’. The beverage is a nod to the band’s victories at the British Open on Thierry Deleruyelle’s ‘Sand and Stars’ and at the Brass in Concert Championships with their Arabian themed winning programme. 

A spokesperson for the band stated, “The cans are embossed with a Foden’s themed label containing all the names of the players, conductors and back-room staff involved and a huge thanks to our conductor Russell Gray for his support with this!” Foden’s has had a busy schedule to end the successful year with six concerts and a CD recording in December but is already looking towards 2024 with followers of the band being advised that, “It’s time for a well-earned winter break, but we’ve plenty coming up in the meantime so keep your eyes across our social media platforms.”


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