Six of the best join Amersham

The Amersham Band is looking forward to 2024 after welcoming six new signings over the last few months. MD Paul Fisher said that the sextet has already found a warm welcome and has fitted in with the band's progressive outlook. The experienced player and conductor Craig Patterson has taken on the soprano role, whilst talented young cornet player Nayan Shah will sit next to him on repiano. The euphonium and baritone section has been boosted by the arrival of Josh Dickens and Amy Ewan, with Matt Edwardson joins on solo trombone. The percussion section also welcomes Sokho Fujimoto to their team.

Paul said, "2023 has been another year of solid positive progress and with these arrivals we are in a great position to build further in 2024 on the contest and concert stage. Craig has so much musical experience and takes over from Mike Lovatt who will be tied up in the West End with 'Guys and Dolls', whilst Nayan is a brilliant young talent. He has already been joint principal cornet of National Children's Brass Band and solo cornet on the National Youth Band and a member of the trumpet section in National Youth Orchestra.

“Amy, Josh and Matt are players of the very highest calibre and we are particularly delighted to welcome Sokho who recently moved from Vancouver to Amersham and is now enjoying her first experience of a British brass band — something which we hope will last for a very long time. Everyone is now looking forward to 2024. Nothing is guaranteed on the contest front, but we hope to be able to push forward once more.”


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