Eikanger Youth Development Funding

The 2023 Norwegian National and Siddis Champion, Eikanger Bjorsvik Musikklag has gained substantial financial support for their youth development work with a sponsorship award from regional bank, Sparebanken Vest. Eikanger received NOK 600,000 (approx. £44,000) for its 'Band-ID' (Korps-ID), initiative, which supports and develops players aged between 12 and 16. This is the age span which experiences the largest loss of players, with Eikanger determined to address this with links to local bands and schools in their region through inspirational teaching, masterclasses and concerts as well as organisational advice and support to band volunteers and committees.

Earlier this year the bank granted NOK 200,000 to help support Eikanger's annual summer school and general youth programme work, whilst its regional Youth Band, Hordaland Ungdomskorps also received NOK 200,000 to help enhance its outreach and ongoing work. In total Sparebanken Vest, has granted NOK 1,000,000 to assist Eikanger's youth focussed work in 2023. A spokesperson for the band stated, “The band is very grateful as these grants help us inspires and motivate the next generation of players, conductors, staff and supporters of bands in our region and Eikanger or course! We are proud that our efforts are recognised and supported in this way."


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