Brookwright Composition Finalists Announced

The five finalists have been announced for the 2023 BrookWright International Brass Ensemble Composer Competition. The decision was made by judges, Dr. Liz Lane and Kevin Norbury and followed a process that came from 46 entries from composers in 16 countries. The judges stated that the standard of submissions was "exceptionally high".

The finalists are:
Florence Anne Maunders (UK)
Harold Burgmayer (USA)
Joseph Ricard (USA)
Micah Roberts (USA)
Nelson Jesus (Portugal)

A 'Public Commendation Prize' will be awarded to the finalist with the most 'likes' received on YouTube by noon Central Standard Time (CST) on Tuesday 19th December 2023. To vote for your favourite piece, please listen to each entry and click 'like' on the one you think is most deserving of the prize:


The identity of each piece will remain anonymous until the results are announced.

The winner of the 'Public Commendation Prize' will be announced on 19th December and receive 0. Also announced will be the Overall Winner decided by judges Dr Liz Lane and Kevin Norbury. The Overall Winner will receive 0 in cash, a download license to the music playback programme NotePerformer 4*, and publication of their work through BrookWright Music, whilst also receiving any associated royalties.

A spokesperson for the competition explained, "We look forward to receiving your votes! We would like to congratulate our excellent finalists and thank all our entrants for their submissions. A sincere thank you also goes to all out sponsors: Besson; Blackwood Music; Data Paradigm Inc.; Christopher Bond Music; John Lawes — Flexible Brass Quartets; Noteperformer; World of Brass and"


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