RNCM launches Endangered Instruments Appeal

Unfortunately, one of the threats currently facing the music sector is the critical decline in the number of musicians playing endangered instruments, including the bass trombone and tuba. Ensembles cannot fill positions, and the few endangered instrumentalists left are not enough to fill the gap. These instruments are integral to the music we all know and love. It is unthinkable to imagine a landscape without them.

Decades of underfunding music education means fewer children are making music and there is simply no capacity for schools to prioritise endangered instruments, which are generally less accessible and more expensive. This steady decline means less young musicians are progressing to conservatoire study, which will be catastrophic for the music profession.

This is a problem facing the entire music sector. The RNCM is responding to the evolving needs of the industry by developing creative, targeted solutions to tackle this crisis at all levels by:

➔ Supporting under-18s to overcome barriers to studying these instruments and meet other like-minded young people.

➔ Hosting endangered instrument focus days to give young musicians a taste of our world-class tuition.

➔ Offering financial support to encourage applicants and ensure students can continue their studies with us.

➔ Supplying and helping with the cost of instrument purchase and maintenance.

➔ Providing outstanding tuition from some of the world’s very best musicians.

➔ Opportunities for students to borrow and receive specialist training on related ‘doubling’ instruments.

RNCM Principal, Linda Merrick CBE stated, “I am incredibly proud of the targeted work we are doing to encourage young musicians to take up endangered instruments and support them on their musical journeys.” For further information, or to make a donation, go to: https://www.rncm.ac.uk/support/how-you-can-help/rncm-endangered-instruments-appeal/ 


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