Vintage life membership medal gifted to SBBA

An honorary life membership medal that was presented to a former Arbroath bandsman by the Scottish Amateur Brass Band Association 73 years ago has been gifted back to SBBA for safe keeping and posterity. The medal was awarded to Robert Hunter Campbell in October 1950. His great grandson Ian Robert Campbell has now returned the medal and accompanying documentation to the Scottish Brass Band Association so that it can be appreciated by current and future generations of players.

Robert spent much of his life in Arbroath where his daughter Molly married the local coastguard, Alec Cargill, and they lived in the town’s coastguard station. His son Frederick was a part-time fiddle player when he was unemployed in Arbroath. Joblessness forced him to ‘emigrate’ to Sheffield where he worked as a fitter and turner in the steel industry. And his grandson Harry was a cornet player who went on to eventually become the conductor of the now-defunct Staveley Works Band near Chesterfield, Derbyshire. It is not clear which band Robert played with but, based on the length of time he was resident in Arbroath, it may be safe to assume it was the Arbroath Instrumental Band. Ian explained, “I have inherited my great grandfather’s gold medal of which I am immensely proud. However, I am getting on in years (76) and would like it to be valued, cared for and admired by Scottish brass band members who will appreciate this long service achievement.”


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