Kilmarnock show gratitude to retiring MD Scott Walker

Members of Kilmarnock Concert Brass took advantage of their last full rehearsal before the Band Supplies Scottish Challenge to say a huge ‘thank you’ to musical director Scott Walker who stands down from the post after the band’s participation at the contest in Perth.

Scott was presented with a framed photograph of the players, taken at last year’s National Finals in Cheltenham, which included a poem, written by the band’s very own bard, percussionist Brian Rutherford, charting the conductor’s leadership over the past eight years, taking the band from a non-contesting outfit of 12 players through to its current Second Section status.

The farewell gifts, presented by band chairperson and principal cornet player Tracy Rutherford, also included a bottle of Bandmaster Gin – believed to be Scott’s favourite tipple – and an album of photographs from all the players throughout the years as a permanent reminder of the shared good times. Auditions are currently under way for Scott’s successor.


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