King’s Award for Brighouse

Congratulations to the Brighouse & Rastrick Band who will receive The King's Award for Voluntary Service (KAVS) 2023. The band announced its significant achievement earlier this week on social media stating, “We are so proud to announce that we have been awarded The King’s Award for Voluntary Service. This is the equivalent of receiving an MBE for an organisation and is offered to groups who go above and beyond in the community, making huge contributions through volunteer excellence and standards. Thank you to everyone who supported us through this, your determination, strength of spirit and character have won the day!” His Majesty The King approved the KAVS National Assessment Committee's recommendation and added that the Award represented 'a tremendous achievement, and that every connected with them should feel immensely proud'.

Commenting on the award, Band President, Stephen Howes explained, "This Award is for all the players, officials and volunteers that have played a part in the band's history and traditions since its formation in 1881. We remain as a public subscription band fiercely proud of our independence. This Award epitomises what Brighouse & Rastrick Band stands for and we are truly honoured to be recognised in this way. All members of the team work tirelessly behind the scenes to ensure that we continue to achieve musical excellence and provide first class entertainment, all whilst ensuring the day-to-day management of our organisation runs smoothly. That is a tremendous achievement."


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