Swiss Open Victory for Treize Etoiles

Brass Band Treize Etoiles were declared winners at the recent 33rd Swiss Open, held at the superb KKL Konzertsaal Hall in Luzern. Conducted by Frederic Theodoloz, the reigning European Champion's outstanding performances of the test-piece, 'Angels & Demons' by Peter Graham, and their own-choice of George Lloyd's 'English Heritage' saw them top both contest disciplines to gain an unassailable 17-point margin of victory over runners-up Fribourg. Brass band Berner Oberland completed the podium, tied on points with second placed Fribourg.

Results can be viewed below and a review of the contest will appear in the next issue of BBW magazine.

Adjudicators: Prof Nicholas Childs; Pascal Eicher; Peter Graham; Blaise Heritier; Howard Lorriman
Test-Piece: Angels & Demons (Peter Graham)
Test Piece/Own Choice = Total

1. Brass Band Treize Etoiles (Frederic Theodoloz): 178/176 = 354
2. Brass Band Fribourg (Florent Didier): 175/162 = 337*
3. Brass Band Berner Oberland (Veronique Gyger-Pitteloud): 171/166 = 337
4. Brass Band Burgermusik Luzern (Michael Bach): 163/174 = 337
5. Wallberg Brass Band (Ivan Meylemans): 168/167 = 335
6. Liberty Brass Band Ostschweiz (Stefan Roth) 164/170 = 334
7. Ensemble de Cuivres Valaisan (Francois Roh): 170/163 = 333
8. Oberaargauer Brass Band (Patrick Ottiger): 152/164 = 316
9. Paris Brass Band (Laurent Douvre): 161/154 = 315
10. Brass Band Luzern Land (Sandro Blank): 156/152 = 308

Best Flugel Horn on Test-Piece: Anthony Rausis (Brass Band Treize Etoiles)
Best Own Choice Performance: Brass Band Treize Etoiles

*Higher aggregate mark on test-piece


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