New Arrangements Announced for the Selection of Award Winners

The Worshipful Company of Musicians (WCOM), one of the City of London’s historic livery companies, awards two medals annually in recognition of outstanding service to the brass band movement. The Iles Medal was established in 1947 by John Henry Iles, a Pastmaster of the Company, and is awarded annually to musicians who have made a significant contribution to the brass band movement. The Mortimer Medal recognises service in fostering new generations of brass band musicians, having been endowed in 1995 in memory of Harry Mortimer by his widow, Margaret Mortimer.

The WCOM has announced significant changes in the process of selecting candidates for the esteemed Iles and Mortimer medals. This transformation follows the untimely passing of Roy Terry, who previously led the recommendation process. To ensure the continued excellence and fairness of this selection process, WCOM has established an Iles and Mortimer Awards Advisory Committee. The committee will be under the Chairmanship of Liveryman and Steward Mark Bromley, CEO of The National Youth Brass Band of Great Britain. Under Mark’s leadership the newly formed committee will be composed of eminent individuals in the field of brass music and education: Lt Col David Barringer (Commanding Officer, Household Division Bands), Stuart Birnie (Head of Birmingham Music Service), Iwan Fox (broadcaster and journalist), Paul Hindmarsh (author and publisher) and WCOM Past Master Leslie East (educator and publisher). Together, they will take on the responsibility of recommending two candidates each year to receive the prestigious Illes and Mortimer medals.

Mark Bromley expressed his privilege and honor in chairing this Advisory Committee, stating, “I am privileged to have been asked to Chair the Advisory Committee that will have the responsibility of selecting candidates for these prestigious awards in the Brass Band movement.” This change signifies WCOM’s commitment to maintaining the highest standards of recognition within the brass band movement. The new approach will ensure that these medals continue to be awarded to the most deserving individuals, upholding the legacy of excellence and dedication in music. Master of the WCOM, Jeff Kelly, added “The Musicians’ Company is confident that under Mark Bromley, the new team will build successfully upon the remarkable foundations laid by Roy Terry over many years. We are proud of our long-standing relationship with the Brass Band world and look forward to a strong and vibrant future together.”


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