Kirkie becomes ‘Dementia Friends’

The Kirkintilloch Band has become the first ‘Dementia Friends’ brass band in the UK following a training session with Alzheimer Scotland on Sunday. The band had invited Anne McWhinnie from the charity to present a talk about dementia and members were impressed and moved by her knowledge and commitment to improve the lives of people suffering from a disease that is now the UK’s largest killer.

Afterwards they were unanimous in declaring the session a real eye-opener into the effects of the condition on the wide age range that it now affects. Musical director Hedley Benson said, “As part of The Kirkintilloch Band's ongoing commitment to engagement with the community, we felt it vital to receive this training. We can see the effect our music has on people living with dementia and look forward to presenting dementia friendly concerts in the future.”

Following its recent victory at the West of Scotland entertainment contest, the band has a busy schedule coming up with the Fife Charities Open contest, the Scottish Festival of Brass, concerts and a very special showing of ‘The Snowman’ in Lanark Memorial Hall with live band accompaniment.


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