Postcards from Grimethorpe

Grimethorpe Colliery Band has released its latest recording entitled ‘Postcards from Grimethorpe’. It features music written specially for the band and includes several world premiere recordings.

When the American composer Jack Stamp was appointed International Composer-in-Association to the Grimethorpe Colliery Band in 2019, he conceived a recording project focused on works specifically written for Grimethorpe, including compositions by himself and Liz Lane, the band’s other Composer-in-Association, alongside other pieces which have played a prominent role in the Band’s recent activities. The recording includes world premiere performances of new works by Michael Halstenson, Ben Gaunt and David Hackbridge-Johnson.

A highlight of the CD is a live performance of Harrison Birtwistle’s legendary ‘Grimethorpe Aria’, conducted by Ben Palmer. There is also a work by the great American Brass Band champion Robert Bernat. The recording ends with the title track in a reworking of an original miniature by Edward Gregson, updated and extended for this recording, ‘Postcard to Grimethorpe’.

The recording is released on the Toccata Next label and is available from the band’s website: 


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