Ashley Hall-Tighe joins Canadian Brass

Congratulations to trumpeter Ashley Hall-Tighe, who has recently been appointed to the world’s pre-eminent brass quintet, Canadian Brass. An accomplished international soloist, Principal Trumpet of the Cincinnati Chamber Orchestra, and faculty member at the University of Cincinnati College-Conservatory of Music, Ashley becomes the second-ever woman to join Canadian Brass after Manon LaFrance, a member from 2006-2010 and now the Director of the Conservatoire de Musique de Montreal. 

Commenting on her new position Ashley stated, “Joining Canadian Brass feels like a dream come true. I remember standing on stage in 2001 with Chuck, Gene, Joe, Jeff and Ryan thinking, ‘Wouldn’t it be incredible to be in a chamber group like Canadian Brass one day?’ Consistent to my journey over the past two decades is my desire to connect deeply with audiences through the gift of music. I want to be doing this at the highest level possible, which is why my ‘yes’ to becoming the newest member of Canadian Brass was an easy decision to make. I am thrilled to be joining this special group of artists and to be bringing this music to audiences around the world.”


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