Jones takes the Baton at Roberts Bakery

The Roberts Bakery Band has announced the appointment of Mike Jones as their new Musical Director. He took Roberts Bakery at the North West Regional Championships in Blackpool in March and will lead the band at the forthcoming Bolsover Festival of Brass event. 

A band spokesperson stated, "We are delighted Mike will take on the legacy of the band on a full-time basis. He has a wealth of experience and is a great band trainer. We are all enjoying the partnership." Formerly principal cornet with the Acceler8 (formerly the TCTC Group Band) in Crewe, Mike responded, "Since my association with the band started the relationship has flourished and I look forward to building further on the great foundation of professionalism and artistic endeavour of the players. I'm proud to take on the role as we look forward to an exciting musical future together."


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