Brass in Concert Tickets go on Sale


Tickets for the 2023 Brass in Concert Championships, including the World of Brass in Concert gala concert and Brass in Concert Aspire Day Concert, which takes place on Friday 17th and Saturday 18th November will go on sale tomorrow at 10.00am on Wednesday 12th July. 

You will be able to buy individual event tickets or special combi-tickets. Go to: 

Brass in Concert Aspire Day

Friday 17th November

World of Brass in Concert Gala Concert
The World of Brass in Concert Gala Concert will feature American visitors Fountain City Band, featuring soloist Isobel Daws as well as the acclaimed BONE-AFIDE trombone quartet. The compere will be Frank Renton.

Friday 17th November

Brass in Concert Championship

Saturday 18th November


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