Market Place Brass in Wantage


The Wantage Silver Band has announced, ‘Market Place Brass’, its latest musical initiative. 'Market Place Brass' is a series of ten concerts starting on 25th June featuring live music that will be provided by their Big Band, Training & Beginner, Youth, Academy, Community, Concert and Senior Bands. The project aims to bring the sound of the organisation right into the heart of their community. 

The live music will be heard outside the Blackbird Bar and King Alfred's Head pub (event sponsors alongside local council support) in Wantage's bustling town centre. Each concert starts at 2.00pm and lasts for around an hour and it is hoped that with warm weather, tasty food and drinks and a family friendly atmosphere will draw in the crowds throughout the summer. The series will conclude on Sunday 17th September with the senior Wantage Band performing under MD, Chris King.

Band spokesperson Sam Wyne commented, "These concerts are a highlight each year. Some of the largest audiences our bands attract are on these Sunday afternoons and it's great to have such a huge following. So, if you are in the area and want to spend a fantastic Sunday afternoon of music, food and drink then why not pop along."


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