Proms in the Playground Resources


#PromsInThePlayground is a national, musical initiative from Brass Bands England's Brass Foundations Programme that seeks to link brass bands with their local school to provide a free, fun performance in their playground during the last three week of the summer term. 

To actively support the musical learning that your school is going to experience, the Brass Bands England Brass Foundation team have created resources to enhance and develop pupils' understanding of what is an integral part of our country's musical landscape - brass bands.

The resources are targeted towards EYFS, Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 and can be used either to prepare the children for your upcoming event or to reflect upon it, so pre- or post-event. The pack includes activities which can be used as standalone tasks or can be integrated into a longer unit of work and are focused on the three basic strands of the music curriculum. There are some physical, practical activities, performance-based tasks, pieces of work to focus on listening and opportunities to compose music of their own. All the activities reflect the intentions of the Model Music Curriculum, developing skills and knowledge whilst focusing on our unique, inclusive and community-centred music-making.

Resources can be viewed and downloaded here:


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