EBBC Test Pieces Revealed


The European Brass Band Association (EBBA) has released details of the own-choice works selected to be played by the competing bands in the Championship and Challenge Sections at the 44th European Championships in Malmo next month.

Championship Section:
A Gabrieli Fantasy (Bert Appermont)*
Antiphonies on Themes by William Byrd (Oliver Waespi)
Are We Dark Inside? (Ludovic Neurohr)
Astralis (Philip Wilby)
Breath of Souls (Paul Lovatt-Cooper)
Catharsis (Kjetil Djønne)
Diary of a Madman (Christian Brant)
Fraternity (Thierry Deleruyelle)
Horror Show (Simon Dobson)
No Man's Land (Thierry Deleruyelle)
Other Lives (Oliver Waespi)
Sand and Stars (Thierry Deleruyelle)
The World Rejoicing (Edward Gregson)

*To be performed twice

Challenge Section:
Match Rhythm (Jan Bosveld)
Variations (Andrew Lloyd-Webber, arr. Peter Graham)
Excalibur (Jan van der Roost)
Hope Fulfilled (Kenneth Downie)
Terra Australis (Martin Ellerby)


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