Impressive NYBBGB at Stoller Hall


Following a successful week of rehearsals and activities at Repton School, The National Youth Brass Band of Great Britain concluded its Easter Course with a sold out concert at Stoller Hall. It’s hardly surprising that the audience was at capacity with the incredible Philip Cobb, of the BBC Symphony Orchestra, as guest soloist, appearing alongside his father, the highly respected Dr Stephen Cobb as Musical Director. 

The programme, themed ‘Hope, Joy and Love’ provided challenge and entertainment in equal measure and was clearly a hit with the young musicians and audience alike. In addition to the stunning solo contributions from Phil Cobb, one of the concert highlights included the world premiere of ‘Invisible Fire’ by Senior Salvation Army Music Producer (Eastern Territory), Dorothy Gates. Commissioned especially for the band, ‘Invisible Fire’ is loosely based on the tune Blaenwern and is a reflection on love as outlined in the original hymn. Prior to the concert the band opened its doors for an open rehearsal on the Friday evening at Repton before also extending an invitation to enjoy hearing the band running through a selection of the musical programme in Stoller Hall directly before the concert.

In addition to the concert preparation there were also plenty of other enrichment opportunities on offer to the young musicians. These included traditional events such as the Katie Ogden solo competition, social activities and the Open Day where young people were able to experience playing in a band in full rehearsal, spend some time with the sectional tutors and chat with Youth Band members about what it's like being in the band. The final assembly provided an opportunity at the end of the week to congratulate the prizewinners, which this course included: Lewis Barton (Bill England Trophy), Adam Warburton (Chris Jeans Trombone Award), Daniel Marsh (Tenor Horn Award), Daisy Fern (Harold and Bernard Tovey Award), Imogen Fewster (Jon Tinker Memorial Award) and Christopher Oddy (Maud Wright Award). Other musical treats included masterclasses from The Queen Victoria Consort, MD and soloist, hosted by David Thornton and Tom Hutchinson respectively. Commenting on the course cornet tutor and NYBB alumni, Tom Hutchinson stated, “What an incredible week working with the talented players of the National Youth Brass Band of Great Britain under the leadership of Dr Stephen Cobb. It’s always special to be asked back to tutor but even more so when the guest soloist is my old partner in crime, Philip Cobb! Thanks to all the players, tutors and staff that make this course so special.”

If you missed this latest performance from The Youth Band then there is another opportunity to hear them in a musical extravanganza with The Bands of HM Royal Marines on 15th April at Ruddock Performing Arts Centre, marking the conclusion of the two-year parentship between the organisations. Dr Stephen Cobb and Capt Sam Hairsine RM will lead the celebratory evening which will feature some great music, including a brand-new piece by Paul Saggers call 'Vivaldi’s Mission to Saturn on a Dog named Bongo’. You'll also get to hear Principal Flugelhorn and brass finalist in the BBC Young Musician of the Year, Phoebe Mallinson, step up to play alongside the marines, whilst their solo cornet section will feature with the Youth band. Both bands will also come together for a finale featuring Dan Price’s ‘Andromeda’ and Geoff Nobes’ beautiful ‘Prelude on Lavenham’.  Tickets are available from: 


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