Holme Valley Cancelled


The 2023 Holme Valley Brass Band Contest, which was due to have taken place in Holmfirth, West Yorkshire on Sunday 23rd April, has been cancelled due to a lack of entries. The contest organisers stated that they wished to apologise to the bands that had entered, “We are very disappointed that the contest will not go ahead following a successful contest coming out of Covid in 2022 with 20 entrants. We apologise to those bands that did express the desire to take part and we hope that the event will return in 2024 on a suitable date.” 

The contest committee has called an Extraordinary General Meeting to take place on Monday 22nd May (7.30pm) at Hade Edge Band room, Holmfirth. Bands from around the area are encouraged to attend the EGM to provide feedback as to why the contest is not better supported and to give ideas on how to increase future interest. Bands can contact Contest Secretary David Eastwood to provide feedback if they are unable to attend the EGM on: 01484 617858.


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