Coalburn Workshop Boosts Recruitment

An open day of workshops for existing players and for potential new recruits to try out a brass instrument was been held by the Coalburn brass band family. Tenor horn star Sheona Wade and respected brass tutor Helen Minshall worked with the participants throughout the day before some performed a few pieces of music in front of an audience. 

Helen tutored the Bronze Band members and a group of keen beginners, some of whom had never touched a brass instrument before, with her customary enthusiasm and energy. One new player who attended the open day said: “I went to the beginners’ workshop which was brilliant. Helen made us all feel at ease and by the end of the day I could play a whole scale. We played two pieces in the concert which was really fun, and I have now been inspired to take up an instrument and join the band.”

Sheona led sessions with the horn sections from the Silver and Intermediate Band, as well as putting on a masterclass about practice techniques and the mindset of being the best performer possible. Players left her workshops with a new burst of enthusiasm and inspiration to use in home practice and in the band hall, with one of them commenting: “I thought that the horn sectional with Sheona and the workshop were truly inspirational. I absolutely loved it!”

Intermediate and Bronze band members also enjoyed a powerful and fun mindset workshop delivered by life coach James Hughes who presented a transformational coaching session, helping band members motivate themselves and keep a positive attitude in everything they do. The brass workshops were a considered to be a great success and the Bronze Band has welcomed many new players to our band. A spokesperson for Coalburn explained, “We are very grateful to both Helen and Sheona for spending the day with us and to Besson, the National Lottery Community Fund and to SBBA for their support to make the event possible.”


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