Heritage at Foden’s is Case Study for Success


Following the completion of Foden’s various Heritage projects, the band has been informed that the overall 'project' has been marked by the Heritage Lottery as a 'case study for archival and online success, due to the quality of work and updated website.' The successful application was submitted by Carole Crompton (Vice President of the Band) who worked closely with the band’s management team in collating the relevant information needed for the submission. 

A spokesperson from Foden’s stated, “We would like to thank Carole, and Devmac who were instrumental in building the site as well as assisting with the project. We are extremely passionate about preserving and celebrating our fantastic history and grateful to the Heritage Lottery for this accolade. It is hoped that this will help raise the profile of brass bands within the funded community as well as encouraging organisations to look into funding applications.”

Speaking on behalf of Devmac Paul McDonald commented “We have been delighted to work with Foden’s on their historical archive website. Delivering a technical system such as this needs a clear brief to ensure that the end product meets the original requirement, and this is exactly what we were provided with. We have a close working relationship with the band who helped us deliver a website of huge historical value and are proud that our combined efforts have been acknowledged.”

All the digitised work and updated material can be viewed via the Heritage website at: www.fodensbandheritage.co.uk


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