Christmas is Coming


The programme is now complete for the Christmas Spectacular with Black Dyke at the Sage on 4th December. Black Dyke’s Director of Music, Professor Nicholas Childs, explained, “The first half is very much music for everyone. There are classics including ‘Nabucco’ and ‘Fire in the Blood’ and not forgetting our special guests ‘The Three Tenors’ in ‘Verissimo’.  However, the second half is all about Christmas. It is always exciting when you can perform a World Premiere and none better than from the pen of Paul Lovatt-Cooper in his latest work ‘Christmas is Coming!’.” 

‘Christmas is coming!’ is dedicated to Paul’s second daughter Evie, who is celebrating her first Christmas.  Paul commented “A tradition I started a number of years ago was to compose a piece of music for my loved ones for their first Christmas. It started my wife, Zoe and then for our first daughter Melody, with each performance premiered by the amazing Black Dyke Band. This year for our second daughter Evie's first Christmas, I have composed an exciting concert opener entitled 'Christmas is Coming!'. Packed with melodies from famous Christmas pieces, this exciting piece should bring a great start to Black Dyke's Christmas Spectacular at the Sage Gateshead.”

The concert takes place at the Sage, Gateshead on 4th December at 3pm. Further information about the concert featuring NASUWT Riverside and Reg Vardy Brass Bands alongside Black Dyke is available at:


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