2023 RNCM Brass Band Festival


The RNCM Brass Band Festival returns this January with the UK’s leading brass bands plus performances from the next generation of musicians. 2023 soloists include Daniel Thomas and Michael Cavanagh of Black Dyke Band and Tom Hutchinson of Cory Band alongside performances from two of the UK’s finest young musicians, LSO principal trumpet James Fountain and trombonist Isobel Dawes, a member of the Berlin Philharmonic Academy. 

A spokesperson for the RNCM Festival stated, “We also want to send our huge thanks to Paul Hindmarsh. After 30 years of curating this annual series, this will be Paul’s final year as Artistic Director. Paul has been central to this remarkable event, and we’re delighted to host his final curation.”

The Festival will take place over the weekend of the 27th to 29th January and tickets are now available, with a 10% discount offered for those wishing to enjoy three or more paid events.

Further information is available at: https://www.rncm.ac.uk/festivals/rncm-brass-band-festival-2023/


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