BBCA Prizewinner conducts Foden’s


In June this year the Brass Band Conductors' Association held the final of their annual International Conducting Competition in Eccles. After a rigorous short listing process, the winner was announced as Swiss conductor Boris Oppliger.  

30-year-old Boris has already accumulated extensive experience after gaining his Masters in Conducting & Instrumental Pedagogy from Bern University in 2020. He is the current Musical Director of the Swiss first division band Ensemble de Cuivres la Covatte Coeuve, Fanfare de Montsevelier ensemble and the mixed choir 'Val Terbi en coeuve'. He also organises annual wind ensemble projects in the city of Bern and chairs the music commission of the Federation of Brass Bands of Ajoie.

As part of his prize, Boris will travel to Sandbach, to assist Russell Gray as he works with Foden's Band in preparation for their title defence at the Royal Albert Hall.  On the eve of the Nationals, Foden's will provide their annual Pre-National Gala Concert at the Regent Hall where the band will include a performance of ‘Hyperlink’ with composer Peter Graham giving a short introduction of his work. Boris will conduct a number of pieces at this concert, along with Russell.

Russell Gray commented: “I am delighted to welcome Boris to assist me in the preparations for our Finals' appearance this year. He has great musicality and I know having extra ears in the band room is always helpful. As President of the Brass Band Conductors' Association I am also very proud of the fact that our annual competition is producing winners of such a high standard and attracting entrants from all around the globe. I would like to thank Foden's Band for their support and providing this platform for Boris to show the brass band world just what a talent he is.”

For more information about the Brass Band Conductors’ Association visit


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