North-East charity Fundraiser


Two of the North East's premier bands will join together on 1st April to join forces to help raise funds for the Diabetes UK and Headway charities. 

Supported by the Geneva Group and Banks Group, the event will be led by Dr David Thornton on Friday 1st April (7.30pm) at Elvet Methodist Church in Durham. Each band will present their own entertainment set before joining together for a massed bands finale. NASUWT Riverside will perform music from their popular 2021 Brass in Concert performance, whilst Fishburn Band will be joined by guest soloist, Brett Baker, principal trombone of Black Dyke Band.

The concert has been organised by Phillip Tait and Abi Groocock, whose families have been hugely grateful for the support given to them by the two charities over the past year or so. Abi stated, "It's great to be able to put an event like this on to raise some money for these wonderful charities who have done so much to help families like ours with their work. It should be a fantastic evening and we hope to see plenty of friendly faces there.”

Tickets for the concert are £5 each or £3 for concessions. Contact: Abi (07736 833468) or Phill (07740 546643).


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