Peter Moore joins the Getzen Team


Getzen has announced that they have welcomed trombone superstar, Peter Moore as a Getzen International Performing Artist. Christian Griego from Getzen explained, “I receive more than a few calls every day from musicians looking to tweak their instruments, either Getzen or Edwards setups or other non-Elkhorn brands. Sometimes these requests are a little more discrete, like an email, DM, or a conversation with a friend-of-a-friend. I always look forward to helping anyone interested in performing on our instruments. So, when the principal trombonist of the London Symphony Orchestra decided to start testing equipment, we were thrilled to be in the conversation. Fortunately for us, Peter Moore had tried a friend’s Getzen 4147IB Custom Reserve and was intrigued. I chose a 4147IB from that month’s production and sent it on a journey to the UK for testing. We had been making small adjustments to the 4147IB for 2022, so the timing was as good as it could be for us. 

“I wasn’t holding my breath… testing in a performance hall can take months to complete. Peter performed numerous solo and orchestral works on the 4147IB. He listened to himself on recordings and took in peer feedback. Making a complete instrument change is not a small commitment, and Peter did his due diligence. We’re happy to say that the Getzen 4147IB did very well. As a result, we are pleased to announce that Peter Moore is a Getzen International Performing Artist. Thank you for choosing Getzen, Peter. We are excited about what the future will bring.”


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