NYBBGB presents Free Workshop Series

Be a part of the first ever NYBBGB online workshop experience. Three informational and interactive workshops covering a wide array of musical activities are being offered for free. 

In the first event of the National Youth & Children's Brass Band of Great Britain October Series Dr Robert Childs will talk about what being a part of the NCBBGB or NYBBGB can do for your musical development. Dr Childs offers his unique view of the NYBBGB that began as a player in 1974. He has been involved with the band as a tutor, soloist, conductor, trustee and chairman, and so is able to give a truly expert opinion on how important the bands are in the development of young musicians. He will also be able to share insights into his unrivalled career in banding, playing principal euphonium with Black Dyke Band for more than a decade and conducting Cory Band for many years.

Have you ever wondered what it takes to be a musician within the British Army? The second event offers the chance to see what the life of a professional musician in the British Army is like. British Army Music are full time professional musicians who represent the Army and the Nation on the worlds stage. From prestigious events at Buckingham Palace to working with musicians at the top of their game; it’s all part of the British Army Music experience. Join us for an evening to discuss music, the Army and all things banding

Despite being experienced and talented performers, many musicians fear the 'unknown' of composition. In the third workshop, Andrea Price will look to answer the question "where do I start?", by introducing a composers' toolkit of ideas and tips on how the compositional thought process can work. There will be demonstrations of group composition and opportunities for you to get involved, so do have your instrument or composing software to hand! The workshop will be accessible for musicians of all abilities, but will also challenge everyone to consider music from a different perspective.

The NYBBGB was founded by the Band's President, Dr Denis Wright, in 1952, has a Board of Trustees, chaired up until recently by Dr Robert Childs, all of whom have a passion for brass. They give their time and expertise to assist the smooth running of the NYBB and NCBB. Some of the Board played in the band as youngsters, some have joined more recently. If you’d like to be involved, the NYBBGB would love to talk to you. Full details of the itinerary and how to access the workshops can be found below.


Dr Robert Childs talks about what being a part of the NCBBGB or NYBBGB can do for your musical development.

Sun, 25 October 2020

17:00 – 18:00 GMT



The life of a professional musician in the British Army

Mon, 26 October 2020

19:00 – 20:00 GMT



Andrea Price, talented composer, percussionist and educationalist, offers advice on how to develop your compositional skills

Tue, 27 October 2020

19:00 – 20:00 GMT




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