Johnstone Band in Friends filming fun

The COVID-19 pandemic may have brought rehearsals and engagements to a temporary halt for members of Johnstone Band but that hasn’t stopped the Renfrewshire outfit from striking a chord with audiences far and wide. Unable to practise together due to the lockdown measures, band members have been finding innovative ways of making music together, including ‘virtual’ band performances, the latest of which saw players perform the theme tune from iconic TV series, Friends.

Commenting on the initiative, June Deans, chairperson of Johnstone Band’s committee, said: “It's been a fun project, and we've had some lovely feedback. It's great to have something positive to work on, and that everyone in the band can take part. It also helps to keep us playing until we can get back together as a band for a live performance.”

The videos saw members record their parts individually at home before musical director, Mark Good, brought the clips together to create the overall performance, which was then shared via social media, gaining thousands of views within hours of being posted. As well as helping Johnstone Band keep in touch with its fans across Renfrewshire and beyond, the virtual performance has enabled the band to keep up some of the momentum it had gained in the early part of 2020, which saw Johnstone achieve third place in the First Section at the Scottish Brass Band Championships in March.

Musical director Mark commented: “Johnstone Band had a positive start to the year and worked very hard to gain a podium place at the Scottish Championships so it was unfortunate, but completely understandable, when proceedings were brought to a halt when the lockdown came into force.

“While players are unable to meet for rehearsals, the virtual performances have provided a great way of making music and keeping practising so the band can hit the ground running when the time is right. At a time when we all need our friends more than ever, this upbeat music felt like the perfect choice to remind our loved ones we are all there for each other.”

The distance videos form part of a range of activities which Johnstone Band has been getting involved with of late. Several members have been taking to their doorsteps and gardens on Thursday evenings to offer a musical thank-you to those working on the frontline during the COVID-19 pandemic. Meanwhile, the band has been organising regular catch-ups via Zoom, enabling members to keep in touch with each other until rehearsals resume.

The Johnstone Band’s ‘Friends’ video can be viewed following the link below: 


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