UNT Brass Band mark Graduation

The Brass Band of the University of North Texas released a video of a virtual performance of Dan Price’s ‘Starburst’ on would have been the fourth and final day of Spring 2020 Commencement Ceremonies. The celebratory occasions provide an opportunity to recognise the unique accomplishments of bachelor's degree graduates and master's and doctoral candidates. Unable to give their final concert of the semester due to COVID-19, the members of the UNT brass band recorded their individual parts to this optimistic up-beat concert piece at home.

Euphonium Professor and Conductor of the band, David Childs explained, “As a UNT College of Music faculty member I had been looking forward to seeing my students flourish at these graduation events, but naturally their postponement was necessary at this time.

“Entry into the world as a proud college graduate is still something to celebrate though, so even without the regalia and other traditional rituals, I congratulate all graduates, especially UNT’s bachelor’s, master’s and DMA euphonium players: Melissa Ewing, Bradley Halloran, Boonyarit Kittaweepitak, Cheng-wei Meng, Max Swisher, Jonathan Watkins and Adam Wilkerson. I wish you all the very best as proud UNT alumni. To mark the occasion, a small musical tribute from the UNT brass band.”

The video can be viewed below:



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