Scottish Open Tests Announced

Bands will be able to choose between five commissioned works later this year as the 125th Anniversary of SBBA is celebrated. The chosen works have all been commissioned by the Scottish Brass Band Association in previous years, and includes two European Championship set-works: 'St Magnus' (Kenneth Downie) and 'Muckle Flugga' (Rory Boyle), written for the 2004 and 2014 European Contests. 'Macbeth' (Peter Meechan), '...and when the river told' (Simon Dobson) and 'Gallery' (Howard Snell) were commissioned for the Scottish Open in 2008, 2010 and 2015 respectively. 
Full parts and scores will be available from Just Music. The contest will take place at the Perth Concert Hall on Saturday 28th November.


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