Bram Gay

BBW is sorry to report the sad passing of Bram Gay. He passed away at his home in France on Friday 13th December at the age of 89. Bram was known most recently for his work ‘behind the scenes’ at the British Open Championships, where his musical knowledge and organisational skills were always put to best use.

Bram Gay was born in the Rhonda valley of Wales and was a natural talent on the cornet from a very young age. He joined the Foden’s Band at only 14 years old very shortly afterwards became the band’s principal cornetist. Following his National Service with the Scots Guards, he played professionally as a trumpet player with the CBSO, Halle and Royal Opera House. It was at Covent Garden that he moved from the trumpet to hold the position of Orchestra Director for over twenty years. 

He was also well respected as an editor, conductor, adjudicator, arranger and as an author. He wrote frequently for musical publications in addition to penning a novel and autobiography. His energy, inimitable wit and musical expertise will be sadly missed.

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