Baumet and Demailly at the 4th Jena Brass Band Workshop

Organized by the new Competence Center for Brass and with the kind support of Besson, the 4th Jena Brass Band Workshop (“Jenaer Blechbläser-Seminar”) was held from October 18th to 20th 2019. Following the success of previous years, participants of all age groups traveled to Jena from all over Germany to meet this year's lecturers Bastien Baumet (Euphonist at the Conservatory of Lyon and the Paris Brass Band) and Alexis Demailly (Cornetist at the Paris Opera and in the Paris Brass Band). The masterclass, which was primarily offered for trumpet / cornet as well as for low brass, gave all visitors many valuable experiences.
The two French lecturers who led this year's master class dealt in detail with all aspects of playing a brass instrument. There were many tips on the subject of expression and character as well as of course the technique, the accuracy, the balance, the interaction and the overall sound. Questions regarding dynamics and the musical arrangement of solo passages were also answered comprehensively.
As usual, the event concluded with a joint concert between the participants and Brass Band BlechKLANG featuring Bastien Baumet in ‘Harlequin’ by Philip Sparke and ‘’Neath the Dublin Skies’ by Paul Lovatt-Cooper. Alexander Richter, MusicalDirector of BlechKLANG, said afterwards: "It was a great honour for us to share the stage with Bastien Baumet. We are very happy that the Jena Brass Band Workshops always offer us the opportunity to perform with such outstanding musicians!"

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