RNCM Young Middle Brass

THe highly succcessful Young Middle Brass scheme at the RNCM starts again this weekend on Sunday 22nd September. The first year was a huge success, with almost 70 young Tenor Horn, Baritone and Euphonium players taking part in the first 6 workshops.  Due to popular demand the scheme will also be officially opened up to Flugels as well.The dates for the forthcoming 2019-20 Season have now been confirmed as:

Sunday 22nd September 2019
Sunday 17th November 2019
Sunday 19th January 2020
Sunday 15th March 2020
Sunday 31st May 2020
Sunday 19th July 2020
The events are run by Junior RNCM tutors Helen Varley (tenor horn, Grimethorpe Colliery Band) and Mark Bousie (euphonium, Fodens Band), along with guest tutors.
Special guests this year have included soloists Rachel Neil (Fairey Band), Dan Thomas (Black Dyke), Peter McDonough (Eccles Band) and Adam Bokaris (Fairey Band).  The new season will include lots of exciting new guest visitors, as well as some collaboration with Young Tubas, which is run by tuba star Les Neish.
Organisers Helen and Mark said “We were delighted with the instant success of the Young Middle Brass workshops, and we have had so much fun this year.  We were amazed that we had youngsters travelling from as far afield as Scotland and London!  We’ve covered loads of great music like Happy and Game of Thrones, and we’ll be making sure this year’s workshops are even more fun and inclusive”.
Workshops are freeand held at the Royal Northern College of Music in Manchester. Workshops are split up into groups for different capabilities to cater for all abilities and ages, ranging from beginner up to pre-college age 18.
The Young Middle Brass workshops are open to Tenor Horns, Baritones and Euphoniums and Flugel Horns.  Attendance at all events is encouraged but not compulsory.
Visit www.rncm.ac.uk/youngmiddlebrass for further details and contact Bryony Taylor, Music Education Administrator, at bryony.taylor@rncm.ac.uk to book your place.  Further information about the Young Tubas run by Les Neish can also be found at www.rncm.ac.uk/youngtubas.

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