BrassPass TV Announces Best of Brass

BrassPass TV is delighted to announce a full calendar of innovative promoted concerts, all under the banner of ‘Best of Brass’.
The concerts, 12 in all, are to be held at the award winning Stoller Hall at Chethams School of Music in Manchester, and will celebrate the very best of bands, conductors and international repertoire.
The series starts on Sunday 21stOctober this year, with a full massed bands concert with the Fairey and Leyland Bands, conducted by Frank Renton and featuring guest trumpet soloist Matilda Lloyd. The concert begins at 2.30pm and will be recorded by Brasspass.TV for release on their platform shortly after the event. Tickets are available from the Stoller Hall box office at
The second concert in the series features the current British Open Champions, Cory, on Saturday December 8th, in what promises to be an amazing night.
Further information and full details of all the concert dates and performing bands will be published soon on

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