RNCM launches new ‘Young Middle Brass’ workshops

The Royal Northern College of Music is introducing a series of 'Young Middle Brass' workshops for tenor horn, baritone and euphonium. The workshops will be held at the RNCM in Manchester on Sunday mornings, will be led by the respected Junior RNCM tutors, Helen Varley of Grimethorpe Colliery Band and Mark Bousie of Foden's and are completely free of charge. The workshops are open to all tenor horn, baritone and euphonium players of school age and from any location, and will be meet the needs of all standards - from beginner to post grade 8.
Mark commented: "Helen and I are thrilled to be launching this exciting new project, and we're really looking forward to building a vibrant community of young players. We'll have something for everyone and it's going to be a lot of fun!
"There will be something to inspire and challenge everyone, and it offers a great opportunity to meet other middle brass players: Players will receive expert tuition and advice on all aspects of brass playing in a relaxed atmosphere. Each workshop will be different, with a mixture of fun activities, group tutoring, solo playing and sectional breakout sessions featuring ensembles of varying sizes."
The dates for this academic year are:
Sunday 21st October 2018 10am-1pm
Sunday 2nd December 2018 10am-1pm
Sunday 6th January 2019 10am-1pm
Sunday 31st March 2019 10am-1pm
Sunday 28th April 2019 10am-1pm
Sunday 16th June 2019 10am-1pm
For further details contact Bryony Taylor, Music Education Administrator on: bryony.taylor@rncm.ac.ukto book your place.

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