Carnoustie bid farewell before leaving for China


Carnoustie High School Band will be giving a farewell concert on Thursday, 30th August (7.00pm) in the Carnoustie High School theatre before leaving to become the first youth brass band to tour China. 

Following a performance at the Grand Central Hotel, Glasgow in 2016 for the renowned Confucius Institute for Scotland, the school's head teacher Donald Currie was contacted to initiate the ambitious tour. Two years later the band will fly out on 7th September for 15 unforgettable days of music and cultural learning.

The band will fly out from Glasgow, and after a short stop in Dubai will carry on to China where they will enjoy seven days in Tianjin and seven more in Beijing before their return.

Chinese culture. While in Tianjin, the band members will be learning Mandarin, as well as performing three concerts. They will also visit Chinese families and schools, enabling the young musicians to experience Chinese culture first hand with a chance to learn Gongfu (Chinese martial arts), Tai Chi, and the ancient arts of calligraphy and mask painting.

In Beijing they will perform at three more concerts as well as visiting the Great Wall, the Forbidden City and other iconic landmarks. One of the highlights will be performing at the Ambassador's residence at the British Embassy in front of 2,000 invited guests.

Conductor Michael Robertson commented, "The amazing effort in fundraising reflects the desire of everyone to make this a once in a lifetime's trip. I would like to thank the amazing support we have received from the Carnoustie public and local businesses that have helped make this venture possible. All the money raised has gone to buying visas, transporting instruments, coach hire and percussion hire. As well as the band, there will be a piper, two Scottish country dancers and five staff travelling. I'm very proud to be taking these young musicians to China. They work so hard and are a joy to teach."


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