IBBSS Impress


Over 120 delegates from all around the banding world have enjoyed a great week in Swansea as part of the popular International Brass Band Summer School course, led by Professor Nicholas Childs. The performers from 13 different countries have enjoyed a mix of musical hard work, inspirational tutoring and plenty of fun and games including an entertainment contest, quiz night and the now famous ‘Verdi's Thursday’.

Delegates from the likes of Black Dyke, Eikanger and Brass Band Melodia from Switzerland joined players from youth and community bands — all benefiting from working with tutors such as Richard Marshall, Tom Hutchinson, Gary Curtin, Dan Thomas, David Thornton, Owen Farr, Brett Baker, Chris Turner and Joseph Cook. The delegates were also treated to a composer’s workshop from Paul Lovatt-Cooper.

Course administrator Alison Childs was keen to acknowledge the support the ISSBB receives from businesses such as Besson, World of Brass, Rath Trombones, Band Supplies, Geneva, Kapitol Promotions, British Bandsman, SHB Hire, Sterling Instruments, Prima Vista and GK Design. She commented, “This support is essential to ensuring the success of the course and as you may expect with so many players we are particularly grateful for the help given by the brass band music publishing houses Prima Vista Musikk, Obrasso and Kirklees for their generosity.”

The course ended with a free concert held at Swansea University on the 3rd August, where the band impressed with Paul Lovatt-Cooper's 'Forces Unleashed' and 'Through Heaven's Gate', as well as top notch solo contributions from Daniel Thomas and Tom Hutchinson.

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