30 year service for Dave Lea as Jaguar Land Rover M.D.


Dave Lea has taken the decision to retire from his role as Musical Director of Jaguar Land Rover Band; a position he has held with distinction since 1988.

Commenting on his retirement Dave said: "The band has been a major part of my life and family for the last 30 years and it's therefore been an extremely hard decision to make. I've been thoroughly blessed to have led the band through so many successful times and thank all those that have given me so much joy through their musicianship and friendship. The support of the company has been exemplary and it has been an honour to represent Jaguar Land Rover on the contest and concert stage."

He added: "I'm continuing my involvement, albeit at a more leisurely pace, with the brass band movement, and will be working with many bands and ensembles both in the UK and abroad in future, but this was the right time to bring to an end what has been a wonderful musical experience."

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