3BA Concert Brass are German National Champions  

Congratulations to 3BA Concert Brass who became National Champions of Germany in the Max Littmann-Saal in Bad Kissingen, Bavaria. Under the direction of Thomas Ludescher the band's performances of Thierry Deleruyelle's 'Fraternity' as their own-choice selection along with Eric Ball's classic set work, 'Journey into Freedom' found favour with the judges. Principal cornet Lucy Kraszlan also impressed and deservedly took the 'Best Instrumentalist' award for her outstanding contributions. The band now looks forward to representing Germany at the 2019 European Championships in Montreux. 
Full Results: 
Championship Section: 
Set-work: Journey into Freedom (Eric Ball) 
Adjudicators: Erik Janssen, Frank Renton, Geir Ulseth 
1. 3BA Concert Band (Thomas Ludescher): 90/94 = 184 
2. Brass Band Sachsen (Bryan Allen): 88/90 = 178 
Solo Prize: Lucy Kraszlan (cornet) — 3BA Concert Band 
Best Section: Trombones (Brass Band Sachsen) 
First Division: 
Set-work: Spectrum (Gilbert Vinter) 
Adjudicators: Erik Janssen, Frank Renton, Geir Ulseth 
1. Badische Brassband (Dominik Koch): 91/87 = 178 
2. Brass Band Regensburg (Christine Hartmann): 87/90 = 177 
3. Nordbayerische Brass Band (Mathias Wehr): 88/88 = 176 
4. Woodshockers Brass Band (Benjamin Markl): 89/86 = 175 
5. Cologne Concert Brass (Heinrich Schmidt): 85/85 = 170 
Solo Prize: Horn (Nordbayerische Brass Band) 
Second Division: 
Set-work: Entertainments (Gilbert Vinter) 
Adjudicators: Erik Janssen, Frank Renton, Geir Ulseth 
1. Brass Band BlechKLANG (Alexander Richter): 88/90 = 178 
2. Brass Band Bamberg (Christian Lang): 87/89 = 176 
Non competitive entry: Gloria Dei (Jaap Musschenga)* 
*Awarded 92/93 = 185 
Best Section: Tubas (Brass Band BlechKLANG) 
Third/Fourth Division: 
Set-work: Petite Suite de Ballet (Eric Ball) 
Adjudicators: Erik Janssen, Frank Renton, Geir Ulseth 
1. Brass Band Westfalen (Tobias Schutte): 92/93 = 185  
2. Brass Band B10 (Alexander Weis): 85/89 = 174  
3. Evolution Brass Regensburg (Thomas Lorenz): 86/84 = 170  
4. Brass for Spass Duren (Martin Schadlich): 82/83 = 165  
5. Brass Band Nord (Jonathan Eberstein): 81/83 = 163  
6. St. Stephan Brass Band Hamburg (Sergio Condessa): 80/82 = 162 
Soloist prize: Euphonium (Brass Band Westfalen) 
Youth Division: 
Set-work: Indian Summer (Eric Ball) 
Adjudicators: Erik Janssen, Frank Renton, Geir Ulseth 
1. Jugend Brass Band Blechklang (Patricio Cosentino): 93/95 = 188 
2. 3BA Brass Youth (Sebastian Schwarz): 90/92 = 182*  
3. Brass Band Potzblech (Hans Jacob): 91/91 = 182 
*Set-work score takes precedence 
Youngest Player: Dominik Berchtold — tuba (aged 10) of 3BA Brass Youth Band 


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