Wareham becomes Young Composer in Residence at Black Dyke 

Black Dyke Band has announced that Andrew Wareham will become their 'Young Composer in Residence' for 2018. The role is supported by the band with public funding by the National Lottery through Arts Council England.  

Andy is currently completing his post graduate studies in conducting at the Royal Welsh College of Music & Drama in Cardiff with Dr. Robert Childs. The 23 year old from Southampton has already enjoyed success with his compositions: 'The Deep' won the 'Best Composition' award at the 2016 UniBrass Championships, and 'Tarot! Tortuous Tarot!' took the 2017 RWCMD Cory Band award. 

Commenting on his new role Andrew stated, "I'm thrilled to take on the role with a band that has such a worldwide profile as Black Dyke," he said. "I've been very fortunate to have had my works published and performed by the likes of Cory, but I'm aware that this opportunity creates a different level of expectation and development. 
To be able to work with Prof Philip Wilby is a remarkable opportunity and one which I know will have huge benefit to me as I develop as a composer." 

Black Dyke Director of Music Prof Nicholas Childs commented: "The Young Composer initiative is something we are very proud of, and has already seen the band work with two exciting talents in Jonathan Bates and Matthew Eden. 
I'm looking forward to opening the scores of future works from Andrew that I'm sure will create a huge impression on Black Dyke audiences." 

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