Saddleworth & Oldham Whit Friday details announced

Details for this year's Whit Friday contests which take place on 25th May have been announced by the organisers of Saddleworth & Oldham District. 

The eleven popular venues will once again be anticipating a large number of bands with the contest this year falling at the start of the Spring Bank Holiday weekend. Over £30,000 in prize money is available with the defending champion, Brighouse & Rastrick working hard to retain their title. 

Saddleworth & Oldham District:
Area Open Champions: £2,500, 2nd: £1,000, 3rd: £750, Youth: £250 
Local Area Champion: £750, 2nd: £600, 3rd: £400

The Saddleworth & Oldham Contests are supported by Oldham Council and Saddleworth & Lees District Partnership

Contest: 4.15pm — 10.30pm
Main Prize: £1,000 from a total prize fund of £4,000
Adjudicator: Mike Kilroy
Contact: Mr R. Rodgers (01457 874354)
twitter: @delphcontest

Contest: 4.00pm — 10.30pm
Main Prize: £1,000 from a total prize fund of £3,690
Adjudicator: Allan Holdsworth
Contact: Andrina Baxter (07920763979)
twitter: @denshawcontest

Contest: 4.15pm — 10.30pm
Main Prize: £800 from a total prize fund of £3015
Adjudicator: Simon Kerwin
Contact: B. Cliffe (01457 873901)
twitter: @DiggleContest

Contest: 4.00pm — 10.00pm
Main Prize: £750 from a total prize fund of £2,995
Adjudicator: Glyn Williams
Contact: Gavin Roberts (07877015169)
twitter: @DobcrossWhitFri

3rd, 4th & Youth Sections only
Contest: 4.30pm — 10.30pm
Main Prize: £200 from a total prize fund of £575
Adjudicator: T. Newbigging
Contact: J. Barrett (01457 870612)

Registration from: 3.30pm
Contest: 4.00pm — 10.00pm
Main Prize: tbc
Adjudicator: Chris Wormald
Contact: Dave Allonby (07967 455663)

Contest: 4.00pm — 10.00pm
Main Prize: £700 from a total prize fund of £2,465
Adjudicator: Nicholas Garmon
Contact: Graham Talboys-Smith (07761 593342)
twitter: @WhitBrass

Contest: 4.00pm -10.30pm
Main Prize: £850 from a total prize fund of £3,210
Adjudicator: Derek Southcott
Contact: Gordon Beverley (07932 747590)

Lees & Springhead:
Contest: 4.30pm — 10.00pm
Main Prize: £500 from a total prize fund of £1,755
Adjudicator: Alan Fernie
Contact: Val Sedgewick ( 07732516333)

Scouthead & Austerlands:
Contest: 4.15pm -11.00pm
Main Prize: £800 from a total prize fund of £3,680
Adjudicator: Jonathan Pippen
Contact: D. Needham (0161 6520341)
Bands waiting on the night number: (07880 743876)

Contest: 4.00pm — 10.30pm
Main Prize: £1,000 from a total prize fund of £2,660
Adjudicator: David Marshall
Contact: Pam Byrne (01457 820149)
twitter: @BandContest

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