Reg Vardy disqualified from the North of England Championships

The band placed second at the recent North of England Regional Championships - Reg Vardy, has been disqualified from the contest by the North of England Regional Committee, meaning that, at the point of going to press, it will not join the line-up of bands competing in the 2018 National Final at London’s Royal Albert Hall, on 6 October. 

In a statement, the Committee says: ‘Due to a contravention of National Rule 8 (a) at the recent North of England Brass Band Championships in Durham, the Reg Vardy B-and, has been disqualified from the contest. The regional Committee of the NOEBBC expects an appeal from the Reg Vardy Band and hopes that this matter will be concluded as soon as possible.’ 

Rule 8 (a) of the National Championships of Great Britain states: ‘All players taking part in the Contest must be registered with only ONE accredited Registry at least 7 days before the Friday of the contest weekend and may only compete with the band that holds their Registration. It is the responsibility of the band secretary to apply to the relevant registry for the necessary registration documentation and to comply with the Registry Rules and procedures. 
Commenting, North of England Regional Secretary, Tony Griffiths, told BBW: “I can only hope that this serves as a reminder to bands once again, to double-check player registrations, making sure they are in order. It is the responsibility of the band Secretary to do so.” 

He added: “The Contest held in Durham last weekend was again a success and on behalf of the regional committee would like to thank everyone who made it such a great weekend.” 


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